What Should You Engrave On Your Medical ID?

What Should You Engrave On Your Medical ID?

A medical ID bracelet is more than just jewelry: it could save your life. But a medical ID bracelet is only as useful as the information you put on it. So, it’s essential to know what you should (and shouldn’t) engrave on your medical ID bracelet.

First responders consider the most pertinent information to include on a medical alert ID are allergies and medical problems since medications can change all the time. It’s more helpful to your medical care team to carry a list of your medications in your wallet because medications change more frequently.


Items to Put or Engrave on Your Medical ID Bracelet

Just wearing a medical ID bracelet with your name on it isn’t enough to help a first responder understand your medical needs. People with all sorts of illnesses, allergies, and other conditions wear medical alert ID bracelets, and there’s no “one-size-fits-all” solution. Each bracelet must be engraved individually to provide the most accurate information. 

If you’re customizing a medical ID bracelet, make sure it includes all of the following information:

Your Name

When engraving your name, make sure it appears how it would appear in your medical records. That means using your full first name, middle initial, and full last name. Don’t use a shortened version of your first name or a nickname. If your entire name won’t fit, use your first two initials and last name, or your first name and last initial.

Your birthdate

Another key piece of identifying information is your birthday. This is important because someone else might have the same name as you, which can get confusing for hospital staff. It’s less likely to happen if you’ve included your name already, but it’s always best to be safe and provide any information responders might need to provide the most accurate care.

Your medical conditions

Next, you should include any medical conditions that might affect the type of treatment you need at a hospital or in an emergency situation. Examples include diabetes, bleeding disorders, and epilepsy. You can write out the full name of your medical condition if there’s enough space, or you can use a medically recognized abbreviation.

Here are the abbreviations for just a few of the common medical conditions that might require a medical ID:

  • Allergy – ALGY
  • Congestive Heart Failure - CHF
  • Congestive Heart Disease - CHD
  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease – COPD
  • Ehlers–Danlos syndrome - EDS
  • Fibromyalgia syndrome - FMS
  • Generalized anxiety disorder - GAD
  • Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus – IDDM
  • Hearing impaired - HI
  • High Blood Pressure - HBP
  • Hypertension - HTN
  • Inflammatory bowel disease - IBD
  • Irritable bowel syndrome - IBS
  • Kawasaki syndrome - KS
  • Klippel–Trenaunay syndrome - KTS
  • Klippel–Trenaunay–Weber syndrome - KTW Syndrome
  • Multiple chemical sensitivities - MCS
  • Muscular dystrophy - MD
  • Multiple sclerosis – MS
  • No Known Allergies - NKA
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD
  • Parkinson's disease – PD
  • Pulmonary embolism - PE
  • Rheumatoid arthritis - RA
  • Spina bifida - SB
  • Traumatic brain injury - TBI
  • Tourette syndrome - TS
  • Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes - T1D/T2D


Your Allergies

You should also engrave any allergies you have on your medical ID bracelet. This includes allergies to certain foods (like strawberries or nuts), insects, and medications, and metals. This is more information that medical responders can use to ensure you get the proper care.

Like medical conditions, certain medications have useful abbreviations and acronyms. Here’s an example of how you could engrave allergy information on your medical ID bracelet:

Penicillin allergy - ALGY: PCN 

 Your medications

It’s also important to engrave any prescribed medications you take on a regular basis on your medical ID. Doing so could potentially prevent a drug interaction when you’re undergoing treatment or care.

You don’t necessarily need to engrave medications that you take on a short-term basis (like an antibiotic, for example). It’s more important to include medications that you take daily, long-term.

Supplies you might have with you

If you carry any medical supplies with you on a regular basis that might help in an emergency situation, list that information on your medical ID bracelet.

An example would be if you carry an EpiPen with you in case you experience an anaphylactic shock due to an allergic reaction. This can save valuable time if a bystander happens to read your bracelet, and it can let medical personnel know exactly what medication to use.

Beaded DaisyEmergency contact information

Finally, we recommend adding an ICE (in case of emergency) phone number to your medical ID bracelet. This information is especially important for children and individuals with dementia or other cognitive impairments, but it can help anyone in an emergency situation.

Engrave the letters “ICE” on your medical ID bracelet to indicate what the phone number is for. You should choose a contact who has the ability to make medical decisions on your behalf, if possible. This person is known as a healthcare proxy.


How Do You Get a Medical ID Bracelet?

Anyone can order a custom-engraved medical ID bracelet; you don’t need to have a prescription or a doctor’s permission to purchase and wear a medical ID bracelet. However, a prescription might help you get the cost of a medical ID bracelet covered by your health insurance.

Shop our site–Beaded Daisy today and customize your unique medical alert jewelry to keep you safe and stylish.